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  NE Initiative 431 - Racetrack Gambling Taxes
Parents > United States > Nebraska > Referendums/Amendments > 2020 Referendums > Initiative 431 - Racetrack Gambling Taxes
TypeGeneral Election
Filing Deadline June 01, 2020 - 12:00am
Polls Open November 03, 2020 - 08:00am
Polls Close November 03, 2020 - 08:00pm
Term Start November 04, 2020 - 12:00pm
Term End December 31, 9999 - 12:00pm
ContributorMr. Matt
Last ModifiedMr. Matt October 14, 2022 04:07pm
Data Sources[Link]
DescriptionShall a statute be enacted which: (1) imposes a 20% annual tax on gross gaming revenue from games of chance operated at licensed racetrack locations; (2) distributes 75% of such gaming tax revenues to the State for credit of 2.5% to both the Compulsive Gamblers Assistance Fund and General Fund, and 70% to the Property Tax Credit Cash Fund; and (3) distributes 25% of such gaming tax revenues to the county where the licensed racetrack is located, or, if the racetrack is located partially within a city or village, distributes this percentage evenly between the county and city or village?
[ ] For

[ ] Against

A vote 'FOR' will enact a statute which: (1) imposes a 20% annual tax on gross gaming revenue from games of chance operated at licensed racetrack locations; (2) distributes 75% of such gaming tax revenues to the State for credit of 2.5% to both the Compulsive Gamblers Assistance Fund and General Fund, and 70% to the Property Tax Credit Cash Fund; and (3) distributes 25% of such gaming tax revenues to the county where the licensed racetrack is located, or, if the racetrack is located partially within a city or village, distributes this percentage evenly between the county and city or village A vote 'AGAINST' will not cause such a statute to be enacted.

The object of this petition enacts a statute establishing an annual tax on gross gaming revenue generated by authorized gaming operators of games of chance within licensed racetrack enclosures and directs the collection, enforcement, and distribution of revenue from such gaming.

KEY RACE? 0.0000000000 Average

Name Yes No
Votes620,835 (68.71%) 282,703 (31.29%)
Margin0 (0.00%) -338,132 (-37.42%)
Predict Avg.0.00% 0.00%
Finances$0.00 $0.00

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