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  UK Parliament - Heywood & Middleton
Parents > United Kingdom > England > North West > North West > Heywood & Middleton
TypeGeneral Election
Filing Deadline April 20, 2010 - 06:00pm
Polls Open May 06, 2010 - 01:00am
Polls Close May 06, 2010 - 04:00pm
Term Start May 17, 2010 - 12:00pm
Term End September 06, 2014 - 12:00pm
Last ModifiedIndyGeorgia February 01, 2015 01:44pm
Data Sources[Link]
DescriptionTerm End due to death of MP.

BBC Profile:
Heywood and Middleton has been Labour since its creation in 1983. Jim Dobbin became the MP in 1997 and has secured five-figures majorities in every election since.
At this election, the seat gains the part-wards of Bamford and Norden wards from Rochdale, in exchange for the Spotland and Falinge ward. To find out what might have happened had this boundary change been in force at the last election, see a notional - or estimated - result below.

Situated between Manchester and Rochdale, this is effectively the second Rochdale seat. It takes in the towns of Heywood and Middleton, the western fringes of Rochdale itself, and some more rural areas to the north.

Once heavily reliant on textiles, the area has now undergone industrial diversification, and social, economic and physical regeneration is a key concern in the area.

The Middleton Arndale shopping centre has had substantial work done in an attempt to improve its appearance, but trade is in constant decline as people travel to shop in Manchester's city centre instead.

Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council has been using European money to help fund regeneration. A planning application has been made to create Heywood Sports, Culture and Leisure Village, a project which includes investment from the Football Foundation and Sport England.

According to the 2001 census, about 23% of the population lived in social housing. 96% identified themselves as white and 2.4% as Asian.

Rallings & Thrasher Notional:
Lab 20,059 (48.31%)
C 9,025 (21.74%)
LD 8,403 (20.24%)
Others 3,232 (7.78%)
UKIP 800 (1.93%)
  PartyLabour Won05/05/2005
NameJim Dobbin Votes19,438 (49.77%)
Term05/17/2005 - 05/17/2010 Margin11,083 (+28.38%)
KEY RACE? 0.0000000000 Average
Jim Dobbin
Lean 1
Slight 1

Name (I) MP Jim Dobbin Michael Holly Wera Hobhouse Peter Greenwood Victoria Cecil Chrissy Lee
PartyLabour Conservative Liberal Democrats British National UK Independence Independent
Votes18,499 (40.11%) 12,528 (27.16%) 10,474 (22.71%) 3,239 (7.02%) 1,215 (2.63%) 170 (0.37%)
Margin0 (0.00%) -5,971 (-12.95%) -8,025 (-17.40%) -15,260 (-33.08%) -17,284 (-37.47%) -18,329 (-39.74%)
Predict Avg.0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Finances$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

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