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Last EditedBojicat - October 02, 2021 06:13pm
DescriptionRight-of-center, anti-Communist, Anti-American party led by 2019 presidential candidate José Isabel Blandón and the nation's third largest. Party was founded by oft-time Panamanian President, Arnulfo Arias Madrid (1940-1941, 1949-1951 and 1968). Party was borne from the Anti-American, nationalist ideas of the Acción Comunal movement in the 1920s and was initially launched as the National Revolutionary Party. Party was briefly renamed the Partido Arnulfista in 1991 by the widow of Arnulfo Arias, Mireya Moscoso, who would go on to become President of Panama from September 1, 1999 to August 31, 2004, reverting back to its old name in 2005. Party had began to ally with the Partido Popular and on November 25, 2018 joined forces to form the PANAMÁ PODEMOS coalition ahead of the May 2019 general election, nominating José Isabel Blandón for Panama president. The alliance picked up 8 seats in the National Assembly, but proved disastrous for both partners in different ways; the Popular Party failed to win races both federally and municipally, while the Panameñistas suffered their worst defeat, finishing fourth in the presidential race.

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05/05/2024 Panama National Assembly - Party Standings Panameñista Party Lost 11.43% (-17.14%)
05/05/2024 Panama National Assembly - Popular Vote Panameñista Party Lost 10.64% (-6.53%)
05/05/2024 Panama President José Isabel Blandón Figueroa Lost 0.00% (-34.23%)
07/01/2022 Panama President of the Assembly Pedro Torres Lost 11.27% (-67.61%)
07/01/2021 Panama President of the Assembly Pedro Torres Lost 7.04% (-76.06%)
07/01/2020 Panama President of the Assembly Hugo Mendéz Lost 7.25% (-79.71%)
05/05/2019 Panama National Assembly - Party Standings Panameñista Party Lost 11.27% (-38.03%)
05/05/2019 Panama President José Isabel Blandón Figueroa Lost 10.79% (-22.56%)
05/04/2014 Panama President Juan Carlos Varela Won 39.09% (+7.71%)
05/02/2004 Panama President José Miguel Alemán Lost 16.30% (-31.13%)
05/02/1999 Panama President Mireya Moscoso Won 44.81% (+6.99%)
05/02/1994 Panama President Mireya Moscoso Lost 29.09% (-4.21%)
05/07/1989 Panama President Guillermo Endara Won 62.50% (+37.60%)
05/06/1984 Panama President Arnulfo Arias Madrid Lost 46.71% (-0.27%)
10/01/1968 Panama President Arnulfo Arias Madrid Won 54.70% (+12.95%)
05/10/1964 Panama President Arnulfo Arias Madrid Lost 37.58% (-3.38%)
05/25/1951 Panama President Alcibíades Arosemena Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
11/24/1949 Panama President Arnulfo Arias Madrid Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
10/01/1940 Panama President Arnulfo Arias Madrid Won 97.27% (+94.54%)
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