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Abbreviation | L |
Website | http://www.folkpartiet.se/ |
Country | Sweden |
Established | 1934-08-05 |
Disbanded | 0000-00-00 |
Contributor | Some say... |
Last Edited | Bojicat - August 11, 2022 11:21pm |
Description | Center-right party begun as the folkpartiet (fp; letters in small case) then Folkpartiet liberalerna (FP; 'l' in 'liberalerna' not added to acronym)) from 1990 to 2015. The party effectively changed its name to "Liberal" on November 25, 2015 to reflect its aspirations better (party leader Bertil Ohlin, in fact, coined the term "social liberalism"). The folkpartiet was the largest 'bourgeois' party and has historically pushed for deregulation, freedom of speech and press. Party has been led by former Justice Minister Nyamko Sabuni since June 28, 2019 [Liberalerna (L)]. |
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