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  Citizens Electoral Council
ContributorUser 215
Last EditedRBH - September 01, 2021 03:55pm
DescriptionCEC Australia is a national political party, established in 1988 in Queensland.

In the early 1990s, the CEC became closely associated with the LaRouche organisation in the U.S.A. Our collaboration with Mr. LaRouche and his cothinkers worldwide, is based on achieving peace through economic development, both for Australia, and for all regions of the world.

In 1990, the CEC developed an economic programme for the reconstruction of our nation entitled Sovereign Australia, and in 1994 published Sovereign Australia II�A Legislative Programme to Save our Nation, which latter contained drafts of the necessary legislation for economic reconstruction, including debt moratoria for farmers and the re-establishment of a national bank, among other key elements; these programmes and legislation are far more urgently needed now, than when they were written.

By far the most pressing issue of our times, both for Australia and for the world, is the accelerating onset of a new Great Depression, one which was caused by the insane policies of globalisation, privatisation, deregulation, etc., policies which, if not soon reversed, will plunge the world not merely into a depression, but into a New Dark Age beyond the imagination of most people alive today. For over three decades, only one economist in the world has both predicted this new Depression, and has proposed policies on how to get out of it�Lyndon LaRouche. The proposals of Mr. LaRouche, a several-time U.S. Presidential candidate (including in 2004), have earned him the bitter, unrelenting enmity of the City of London and Wall Street, which the old Australian Labor Party denounced as "The Money Power". Together with the news media and government agencies under their influence on several continents, London and Wall Street have mounted what Ramsey Clarke, the former U.S. Attorney General, has called "a broader range of deliberate cunning and systematic misconduct, over a longer period of time, utilizing the power of the federal government, than any other prosecution by the U.S. government, in my time, or to my knowledge". London and Wall Street are terrified that Mr. LaRouche's "New Bretton Woods" proposal to return to a system of sovereign, protectionist nation-states (as in the early postwar period) will bankrupt the power of the world financial oligarchy, paving the way for governments to pursue policies of the "general welfare" or "common good", as opposed to enriching a tiny minority of individuals, at the expense of everyone else.

As does Mr. LaRouche, the CEC represents the Judeo-Christian-Islamic view that all human beings are created in the living image of God the Creator, and are therefore endowed with creative reason, unlike any other species. This "divine spark" of reason common to all mankind, means that there is only one race�the human race�contrary to the racist premises of multiculturalism. Since all men and women are created equal, they are thus sovereign individuals under natural law, and the sacred duty of governments is to foster the common good�the economic and social conditions under which each and every individual may flourish, and therefore contribute to the good of his or her nation, and to mankind as a whole.

A major contributing factor to the present economic collapse, is the anti-human, bestial policies represented by the rock-drug-sex counterculture which took off in the 1960s. The "me first", "me only" policies championed by the counterculture, are precisely those also championed by the economic policies of globalisation, privatisation, etc.; indeed, the former has helped prepare the way for the latter. The CEC is committed, as is Mr. LaRouche, to urgently re-establishing a new Golden Renaissance, based upon the Classical tradition in art and philosophy, where the creative powers of each individual are fostered, to the benefit of both the individual, and of the entire society.

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