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Abbreviation | SA |
Website | http://www.socialist-alliance.org |
Country | Australia |
Established | 2001-02-01 |
Disbanded | 0000-00-00 |
Contributor | User 215 |
Last Edited | RBH - April 24, 2022 02:13pm |
Description | The Socialist Alliance was launched in February, 2001, by the Democratic Socialist Party and the International Socialist Organisation, and formed by eight left groups and parties on February 17, 2001. Click here to see a list of the parties and what they said about the formation of the Alliance.
The founding conference of the Socialist Alliance took place in Melbourne on August 4 and 5, 2001. The second national conference of the Socialist Alliance took place in Melbourne on May 10 and 11, 2003. The conference decided to take further steps toward making the Socialist Alliance a multi-tendency socialist party. Click here for a full report.
The Socialist Alliance is an anti-capitalist party. We stand for socialism � democratic ownership and management of the social wealth. We believe that a society based on satisfying human need can be created, but only by taking power from the elites who now rule.
We stand for a society run by and for working people, both here, but also internationally. We believe that socialism will be won by the power of the masses on the streets and in the workplaces. We seek election to parliament not to "represent" the movements, but to help build them, resource them, and help them win.
We are active in a number of social justice campaigns and in the trade union movement.
Click here to go to the Socialist Alliance trade union campaign page
Click here for Socialist Alliance branch events near you
Click to go to our anti-war page
Click to go to our refugees' rights page
Socialist Alliance is a membership organisation that seeks to reach out beyond the membership of participating parties. Any individual who broadly agrees with the aims and objectives of the Alliance (click here to see the Alliance platform) and agrees to participate in the non-sectarian, co-operative spirit of the Alliance is eligible to join.
Annual membership rates are: $60 high waged, $24 waged, $12 unwaged and $6 high school.
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