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  Union for Peru
Contributor411 Name Removed
Last EditedBojicat - December 21, 2021 09:33pm
DescriptionLeft-wing nationalist party founded by Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, former Secretary General of the United Nations. Party was originally launched as a political vehicle for de Cuéllar's presidential ambitions in 1995, later turning into a major base for Ethnocacerism (support for establishing in Peru a proletarian dictatorship led by indigenous communities) when Army Major Antauro Humala (jailed 2005 coup leader and brother of ex president Ollanta Humala) took control of the party from prison in the 2010s. Party allied itself with the presidential candidate for Free Peru (Perú Libre), Pedro Castillo, conditioned on his pardoning Humala [Unión por el Perú (UPP)].

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09/24/2022 Peru Minister of Defense Daniel Barragán Coloma Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
04/11/2021 Peru President José Vega Lost 0.70% (-18.22%)
04/11/2021 Peru Congress of the Republic - Popular Vote Union for Peru Lost 2.08% (-11.67%)
04/11/2021 Peru Congress of the Republic - Party Standings Union for Peru Lost 0.00% (-28.46%)
01/26/2020 Peru Congress of the Republic - Popular Vote Union for Peru Lost 6.77% (-3.49%)
01/26/2020 Peru Congress of the Republic - Party Standings Union for Peru Lost 10.00% (-9.23%)
10/07/2018 Ica Regional Governor Isaac Fredy Serna Guzmán Lost 3.73% (-29.47%)
10/07/2018 Junín Regional Governor Aldrin Zárate Bernuy Lost 2.61% (-34.28%)
10/07/2018 Loreto Regional Governor Willer Sajami Collantes Lost 2.16% (-31.92%)
10/07/2018 Madre de Dios Regional Governor - 1st Round Julio César Ricardo Samaniego Monzón Lost 2.01% (-22.47%)
10/07/2018 Moquegua Regional Governor Carlos Alberto Carrera Gamarra Lost 21.17% (-20.74%)
10/07/2018 Apurímac Regional Governor - 1st Round Ernesto Lino Quintanilla Barbarán Lost 1.67% (-18.92%)
10/07/2018 San Martín Regional Governor - 1st Round Fernando Grández Veintemilla Lost 2.28% (-26.29%)
10/07/2018 Callao Regional Governor Lucas Julián Pío Rivera Lost 1.93% (-29.70%)
10/07/2018 Tacna Regional Governor - 1st Round Carlos Antonio Carpio Mamani Lost 0.67% (-16.24%)
10/07/2018 Cusco Regional Governor - 1st Round Jorge Valcárcel Salas Lost 1.43% (-13.46%)
10/05/2014 Apurímac Regional Governor - 1st Round Richard Arce Cáceres Lost 15.14% (-10.83%)
10/05/2014 Arequipa Regional Governor - 1st Round Yamel Deyson Romero Peralta Lost 1.88% (-19.26%)
10/05/2014 Áncash Regional Governor - 1st Round Rosy del Valle Espejo Lost 4.17% (-13.82%)
11/19/2006 Mayor of Lima Martina Portocarrero Lost 4.63% (-43.20%)
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