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  Natural Law
CountryUnited States
Contributor411 Name Removed
Last EditedRBH - July 16, 2018 03:36pm
DescriptionThe Natural Law Party was founded in April 1992 to ?bring the light of science into politics.? Its founders, a group of a dozen educators, businessmen, and lawyers, knew that field-tested solutions to America?s problems already existed but were being ignored by government, due primarily to the pervasive influence of special interests. The Party quickly qualified for the ballot in 32 states, fielded 128 candidates, and became the first party in history (after the Republicans and Democrats) to be granted ?national party? status by the Federal Election Commission and to have its presidential candidate, Dr. John Hagelin, qualify for federal matching funds.

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Institute of Science, Technology & Public Policy  Discuss
Maharishi Vedic University  Discuss


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