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  German Communist Party
Contributor411 Name Removed
Last EditedBojicat - September 04, 2024 08:58am
DescriptionMarxist party which calls for an instant "break with capitalism and property relations." The DKP is considered the successor to the larger Communist Party of Germany (KPD) after it was banned in 1956. The DKP was designated 'left-wing extremist' by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in 2016 for, among other things, training a 200-person paramilitary group from 1969-1989 for acts of sabotage and assassinations. The DKP was banned on July 8, 2021 from participating in the September 26, 2021 federal elections, a ban which was overturned on July 27, 2021 by the Federal Constitutional Court. The DKP opposes Germany's support for the Ukraine and sanctions against Russia. Party is led by Patrik Köbele [Deutsche Kommunistische Partei (DKP)].

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09/22/2024 Brandenburg Landtag - Popular Vote German Communist Party Lost 0.07% (-30.61%)
09/22/2024 Brandenburg Landtag - Party Control German Communist Party Lost 0.00% (-36.36%)
06/09/2024 DEU EU Parliament - Popular Vote German Communist Party Lost 0.04% (-23.66%)
10/08/2023 Hesse Landtag - Popular Vote German Communist Party Lost 0.08% (-34.55%)
02/12/2023 Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus - Popular Vote German Communist Party Lost 0.17% (-28.05%)
05/15/2022 North Rhine-Westphalia Landtag - Popular Vote German Communist Party Lost 0.04% (-35.61%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - Hamburg German Communist Party Lost 0.05% (-29.62%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - 142 Dortmund I Hanfried Lothar Brenner Lost 0.07% (-32.91%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - 203 Trier Simon Michael Becker Lost 0.20% (-32.76%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - 039 Stadt Osnabrück Joachim Fritz Anton Bigus Lost 0.13% (-30.15%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - 118 Mülheim – Essen I Peter Köster Lost 0.10% (-36.21%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - 143 Dortmund II Nils Märtin Lost 0.08% (-38.99%)
09/26/2021 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Landtag - Popular Vote German Communist Party Lost 0.08% (-38.87%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - 053 Göttingen Manfred Sohn Lost 0.21% (-32.01%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - 119 Essen II Siw Mammitzsch Lost 0.16% (-37.66%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - 149 Olpe – Märkischer Kreis I Engelbert Antonius Prevorcic Lost 0.14% (-36.94%)
09/26/2021 Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus - Popular Vote German Communist Party Lost 0.13% (-21.41%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - 059 Märkisch-Oderland – Barnim II Hans-Günter Rolf Schleife Lost 0.34% (-24.41%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - 120 Essen III Diana Kummer Lost 0.11% (-30.60%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - Bayern German Communist Party Lost 0.02% (-31.72%)
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