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Abbreviation | PT |
Website | https://www.ptcostarica.org/ |
Country | Costa Rica |
Established | 2012-05-01 |
Disbanded | 0000-00-00 |
Contributor | IndyGeorgia |
Last Edited | Bojicat - August 05, 2021 01:02pm |
Description | Trotskyist party which calls itself the "Costa Rican section of the International League of Workers - Fourth International." Party was launched by University of Costa Rica Student Council leader Héctor Monestel upon creation of the student platform Movimiento al Socialismo. Party condemns all other Marxist-Leninist parties in Costa Rica, especially the Frente Amplio and Vanguardia Popular, as 'Stalinist' and 'traitorous'. Party is led by 2018 presidential candidate, trade unionist and high school teacher Jhonn Vega Masís [Partido de los Trabajadores (PT)]. |
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