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Abbreviation | PSP |
Website | http://www.sociedadpatriotica.com/ |
Country | Ecuador |
Established | 2002-03-04 |
Disbanded | 0000-00-00 |
Contributor | 411 Name Removed |
Last Edited | Bojicat - August 16, 2023 05:58pm |
Description | Formerly left-wing party moved right-of-center beginning in 2006. Party was founded by January 21, 2000 coup-leader and future strongman president Lucio Gutiérrez, who named his party the "21 de Enero" Patriotic Society to commemorate the overthrow of President Jamil Mahuad on January 21. Gutiérrez immediately forged for himself a messianic image of a left-wing military hero of the Che Guevara stripe, taking the presidency in 2003 until his own overthrow in 2005. Gutiérrez attempted to reclaim the presidency three more times, his last attempt in 2021. Gutiérrez and the PSP lent their support behind the presidential candidacy of Jan Topic in 2023 as part of Topic's alliance For a Country Without Fear, "Por un País Sin Miedo" [Partido Sociedad Patriótica (PSP)]. |
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