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  FDP.The Liberals
Last EditedBojicat - October 24, 2023 05:27pm
DescriptionCenter-right multilingual, multi ethnic party and one of the four governing parties of Switzerland. Party themes focus on individual responsibility, market competitiveness and sound public finances. Party was the result of merger of the Radical-Democratic Party (Parti radical-démocratique suisse, PRD; Freisinnig-Demokratische Partei, FDP) and the Swiss Liberal Party (Parti Libéral Suisse, PLS; Liberale Partei der Schweiz, LPS), approved on October 25, 2008 and finalized on January 1, 2009. Merged party was launched as the French Swiss-centric Liberal-Radical Party (PLR.Les Libéraux-Radicaux), rooted in the foundation of a constitutional Switzerland, in force since November 16, 1848. Party remains strongest in the Southern French- and Italian-speaking cantons of Switzerland (aka, "Latin Switzerland") where it controls most of the government councils, cantonal councils and municipal councils. In Italian, the party is known as PLR.I Liberali Radicali, and in German, the party was rebranded FDP.Die Liberalen (FDP.The Liberals) on February 2009, removing "Radicals" from the name. It is the third-largest party in terms of voter share and it has established 27 cantonal sections (cantonal-level parties) with varied names. Party has been led by Thierry Burkart since October 2, 2021.

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12/11/2024 Swiss Confederation President Karin Keller-Sutter Won 82.76% (+65.52%)
12/13/2023 Swiss Confederation Vice President Karin Keller-Sutter Won 70.41% (+61.22%)
12/13/2023 Swiss Federal Council D Ignazio Cassis Won 69.87% (+45.19%)
12/13/2023 Swiss Federal Council G Karin Keller-Sutter Won 78.57% (+70.54%)
12/13/2023 Swiss Federal Council G Anna Giacometti Lost 6.70% (-71.88%)
12/13/2023 Swiss Confederation Vice President Ignazio Cassis Lost 5.10% (-65.31%)
10/22/2023 Swiss National Council - Popular Vote FDP.The Liberals Lost 14.25% (-13.72%)
10/22/2023 Swiss Council of States - Party Standings FDP.The Liberals Lost 23.91% (-8.70%)
10/22/2023 Swiss National Council - Party Standings FDP.The Liberals Lost 14.00% (-17.00%)
01/01/2023 Swiss Councillor of Finance Karin Keller-Sutter Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
12/08/2021 Swiss Confederation President Ignazio Cassis Won 79.19% (+58.38%)
12/09/2020 Swiss Confederation Vice President Ignazio Cassis Won 84.82% (+69.63%)
12/11/2019 Swiss Federal Council G Karin Keller-Sutter Won 82.04% (+71.84%)
12/11/2019 Swiss Federal Council G Marcel Dobler Lost 10.19% (-71.84%)
12/11/2019 Swiss Federal Council D Ignazio Cassis Won 60.92% (+26.47%)
11/10/2019 VD Council of States - Second Round Olivier Français Won 35.16% (+1.35%)
11/10/2019 FR Council of States - Second Round Johanna Gapany Won 30.98% (+0.00%)
10/20/2019 FR Council of States Johanna Gapany Won 15.71% (-3.04%)
10/20/2019 Swiss National Council - Seat Distribution FDP.The Liberals Lost 14.50% (-12.00%)
10/20/2019 Swiss Council of States - Party Standings FDP.The Liberals Lost 26.09% (-2.17%)
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