"A collaborative political resource." |
Campaign for a More Prosperous Britain
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Abbreviation | CMPB |
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Country | United Kingdom |
Established | 0000-00-00 |
Disbanded | 0000-00-00 |
Contributor | RBH |
Last Edited | RBH - October 10, 2021 06:17pm |
Description | The Campaign for a More Prosperous Britain was a political party in the United Kingdom. It was founded prior to the February 1974 general election by Tom Keen and Harold Smith, both business owners in Manchester.
Keen was the party's leader. He had become a millionaire through property development, and before forming the campaign, had donated money to the National Front.
The party called for voters not to vote for its candidates, but for tactical voting to defeat the Labour Party; it distributed anti-Labour literature. Despite this, some of its candidacies received hundreds of votes, with Keen's candidacy in Portsmouth North at the October 1974 general election attracting 1.0% of all the votes cast. |
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