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CountryUnited States
Last EditedRalphie - February 14, 2024 01:11pm
DescriptionThe Liberal Party was organized as a workingman's party in New York State when the older American Labor Party began to take a more socialist flavor than earlier. After the demise of the ALP in the early 1950s, the Liberal Party played the role of evaluating the nominees of the two major parties and either endorsing one or nominating someone else. The Party lost its ballot status following the 2002 elections.

In early 2024, the Association of Liberty State Parties, representing former Libertarian Party affiliates who had disaffiliated from the national party, announced formation of a new national classical liberal force under the name Liberal Party USA.

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Oct 06, 2009 08:00am News Ray Harding, former head of NY Liberal party, pleads guilty to taking $800K in pension fund scandal  Article nystate63 
Feb 25, 2003 05:47pm General Liberal Party Out of Business  Article Not in Public Domain 

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12/13/2004 2004-2005 OCFL Championship - Regular Season Girlie Men Lost 6.72% (-3.36%)
11/02/2004 US Senate - National Vote Liberal Party Control Lost 0.04% (-48.57%)
08/10/2004 OC President- Liberal Caucus endorsement John Krause Won 50.00% (+0.00%)
08/10/2004 OC President- Liberal Caucus endorsement Valerie S Lost 0.00% (-50.00%)
08/09/2004 OC President- The real Liberal Caucus John Krause Lost 24.32% (-16.22%)
08/09/2004 OC President- The real Liberal Caucus Greg "SC-Conservative" Jones Lost 0.00% (-40.54%)
08/09/2004 OC President- The real Liberal Caucus Sheep Farmer Won 40.54% (+16.22%)
08/09/2004 OC President- The real Liberal Caucus Jobu Lost 2.70% (-37.84%)
08/09/2004 OC President- The real Liberal Caucus Scott T Lost 2.70% (-37.84%)
08/09/2004 OC President- The real Liberal Caucus Valerie S Lost 13.51% (-27.03%)
11/05/2002 NY State Senate Popular Vote Liberal Party Control Lost 0.46% (-50.78%)
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