"A collaborative political resource." |
Revolutionary Communist Workers
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Abbreviation | RKRP |
Website | http://www.rkrp-rpk.ru/ |
Country | Russia |
Established | 0000-00-00 |
Disbanded | 0000-00-00 |
Contributor | Ralphie |
Last Edited | Ralphie - November 18, 2007 09:25pm |
Description | Российская Коммунистическая Рабочая Партия – Революционная Партия Коммунистов
Rossiiskaya Kommunisticheskaya Rabochaya Partiya - Revolyutsionnaya Partiya Kommunistov
Left-wing communist party seeking to restore Russia to the Soviet Union. It considers the Communist Party to be too moderate and reformist, but in the past has agreed not to run candidates in the same districts to avoid splitting the communist vote. |
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