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  Natural Law
CountryUnited Kingdom
ContributorThomas Walker
Last EditedJuan Croniqueur - October 15, 2022 12:10pm
DescriptionThe first Natural Law Party was launched in the UK, with Dr Geoffrey Clements as Party Leader. The party fielded candidates in approximately 300 out of a total of some 600 constituencies. A significant number of constituencies were contested by nationals of countries outside the UK, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India, as British electoral law allows any member of a Commonwealth country to stand for Parliament. Former Beatle George Harrison performed in a fund-raising concert during the campaign.

The UK manifesto, like all other NLP platforms in the subsequent decade, was founded on two assertions: (1) that the development of consciousness, in particular through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program including Yogic Flying, can enhance individual capability to resolve societal problems, and (2) that the practice of these techniques by a critical mass of the population, or else their group practice, in particular the group practice of Yogic Flying, results in overall improvements in society, including reduced crime, accidents and hospital admissions and improvements in prosperity, security and quality of life. The party quoted peer-reviewed published scientific research for many of its assertions.

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05/04/2000 London Mayor Geoffrey Clements Lost 0.00% (-57.92%)
05/04/2000 Greater London Assembly - Party Top-Up Vote Natural Law Lost 0.47% (-30.47%)
11/25/1999 UK Parliament - Kensington & Chelsea - By-election Gerard "Ged" Valente Lost 0.18% (-56.21%)
09/23/1999 UK Parliament - Hamilton South - By-election George Stidolph Lost 0.09% (-36.77%)
09/23/1999 UK Parliament - Wigan - By-election Paul Davis Lost 0.40% (-59.16%)
07/22/1999 UK Parliament - Eddisbury - By-election Dinah Grice Lost 0.23% (-44.60%)
06/10/1999 UK European Parliament - London Natural Law Lost 0.20% (-34.80%)
06/10/1999 UK European Parliament - Yorkshire & the Humber Natural Law Lost 0.22% (-36.43%)
06/10/1999 UK European Parliament - North East Natural Law Lost 0.21% (-41.93%)
06/10/1999 UK European Parliament - North West Natural Law Lost 0.21% (-35.19%)
06/10/1999 UK European Parliament - Scotland Natural Law Lost 0.21% (-28.47%)
06/10/1999 UK European Parliament - South East Natural Law Lost 0.19% (-44.24%)
06/10/1999 UK European Parliament - South West Natural Law Lost 0.19% (-41.51%)
06/10/1999 UK European Parliament - East of England Natural Law Lost 0.19% (-42.56%)
06/10/1999 UK European Parliament - Wales Natural Law Lost 0.26% (-31.62%)
06/10/1999 UK European Parliament - East Midlands Natural Law Lost 0.21% (-39.26%)
06/10/1999 UK European Parliament - West Midlands Natural Law Lost 0.19% (-37.71%)
05/06/1999 Scottish Parliament - West of Scotland Region Natural Law Lost 0.19% (-38.36%)
05/06/1999 Scottish Parliament - South of Scotland Region Natural Law Lost 0.24% (-30.80%)
05/06/1999 Scottish Parliament - North East Scotland Region Natural Law Lost 0.26% (-32.08%)
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