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  Workers World
CountryUnited States
Contributor411 Name Removed
Last EditedRBH - August 19, 2016 12:52am
DescriptionWorkers World Party (WWP) is a socialist political party in the United States, founded in 1959 by a group led by Sam Marcy. Marcy and his followers split from the Socialist Workers Party in 1958 over a series of long-standing differences, among them Marcy's group's support for Henry A. Wallace's Progressive Party in 1948, the positive view they held of the Chinese Revolution led by Mao Zedong, and their defense of the 1956 Soviet intervention in Hungary, all of which the SWP opposed.

WWP describes itself as a party that has, since its founding, "supported the struggles of all oppressed peoples". It has recognized the right of nations to self-determination, including the nationally oppressed peoples inside the United States. It supports affirmative action as necessary in the fight for equality. As well, it opposes all forms of racism and religious bigotry. Workers World and YAWF were noted for their consistent defense of the Black Panthers and the Weather Underground along with Vietnam Veterans Against the War and the Puerto Rican Independence movement. Workers World Party was also an early advocate of gay rights, and remains active in this area.

Since then, the Workers World Party has been controversial for its support of Slobodan Milosevic, Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong-il, and the Chinese crackdown on the “counter-revolutionary rebellion” in Tiananmen Square.

The WWP has published Workers World newspaper since 1959, a weekly since 1974.

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Sep 05, 2008 08:00am Idiocy WWP: Long live the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea  Article 6921 
Jan 00, 1999 06:00pm Analysis Origins of the Workers World Party  Article Bob Sacamano 

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11/05/1996 Michigan State University Board of Trustees Ernesto Mireles Lost 0.53% (-25.12%)
11/05/1996 MI State House 026 Beverley Bloedel Lost 0.96% (-50.74%)
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11/05/1996 MI District 13 Jane N. Cutter Lost 0.45% (-56.12%)
11/05/1996 MI State House 001 Kristen Hamel Lost 0.79% (-60.18%)
11/05/1996 MI District 15 Kevin Carey Lost 0.54% (-87.82%)
11/05/1996 MI District 16 David Sole Lost 0.38% (-61.65%)
11/05/1996 US Senate - National Vote Workers World Party Control Lost 0.02% (-48.04%)
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