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Abbreviation | ZVB |
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Country | Bulgaria |
Established | 2007-08-24 |
Disbanded | 0000-00-00 |
Contributor | IndyGeorgia |
Last Edited | Bojicat - June 06, 2024 06:03pm |
Description | Bulgarian-nationalist party seeking a strong Bulgaria through the unifying and latent "folk psychology" (narodopsikhologi) of the Bulgarian people. Party supports free medicines for pensioners over 65 years old and pension increases. Party was founded and is chaired by rock musician Kamen Slavyanov Popov, who owns the Great Bulgaria rock club [За Велика България; Za Velika Bŭlgariya (ZVB) For a Greater Bulgaria; and Политически проект - Партия Велика България; Political Project - For Greater Bulgaria] |
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