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  Christian Social Unity
CountryCosta Rica
Contributor411 Name Removed
Last EditedBojicat - August 05, 2021 03:20pm
DescriptionCenter-right to liberal, Christian democratic party which considers itself heir to the defeated side in the 44-day Civil War of 1948, the caudillo political tradition known as Calderonismo, led by Rafael Angel Calderon, who built a coalition with the Costa Rica Communist Party in the 1940s until overthrown by civil war in 1948. PUSC is one of two, along with the FLN, part of the two-party system controversially established in Costa Rica in 1982. Corruption scandals from 2004 to 2005.

Party was formed by the merger of Unity Coalition of 1976 with the Democratic Renovation Party, the Popular Union Party, the Calderonista Republican Party and the Christian Democratic Party in 1983. Merged party has managed to govern Costa Rica in three occasions. Party is led by attorney Randall Quirós. [Partido Unidad Socialcristiana (PUSC)].

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02/04/2024 San José Mayor Denisse Echeverria Lost 9.42% (-15.93%)
04/29/2022 Costa Rica Minister of Finance Nogui Acosta Jaén Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
02/06/2022 Costa Rica Legislative Assembly - Popular Vote Christian Social Unity Party Lost 11.34% (-13.48%)
02/06/2022 Costa Rica President Lineth Saborío Lost 12.40% (-14.88%)
02/06/2022 Costa Rica Legislative Assembly - Party Standings Christian Social Unity Party Lost 15.79% (-17.54%)
05/28/2020 Costa Rica Minister of Communication Agustín Castro Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
05/08/2018 Costa Rica Minister of Science, Technology and Telecommunications Luis Adrián Salazar Solís Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
05/08/2018 Costa Rica Minister of Environment and Energy Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
05/08/2018 Costa Rica Minister of Public Works and Transport Rodolfo Méndez Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
02/04/2018 Costa Rica Legislative Assembly - Party Standings Christian Social Unity Party Lost 15.79% (-14.04%)
02/04/2018 Costa Rica President Rodolfo Piza Rocafort Lost 15.99% (-9.00%)
06/04/2017 Costa Rica President - PUSC Primary Rodolfo Piza Rocafort Won 73.10% (+46.21%)
06/04/2017 Costa Rica President - PUSC Primary Rafael Ortiz Fábrega Lost 26.90% (-46.21%)
02/02/2014 Costa Rica President Rodolfo Piza Rocafort Lost 5.97% (-24.97%)
05/19/2013 Costa Rica President - PUSC Primary Rodolfo Hernández Gómez Won 77.00% (+54.00%)
05/19/2013 Costa Rica President - PUSC Primary Rodolfo Piza Rocafort Lost 23.00% (-54.00%)
02/07/2010 Costa Rica President Luis Fishman Lost 3.86% (-42.92%)
02/07/2010 CRC Legislative Assembly Christian Social Unity Party Lost 10.91% (-30.91%)
02/05/2006 Costa Rica President Ricardo Toledo Lost 3.48% (-36.61%)
04/07/2002 Office of President of Costa Rica - Final Election Abel Pacheco de la Espriella Won 57.95% (+15.91%)
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