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  MN Farmer-Labor
CountryUnited States
Contributor411 Name Removed
Last EditedJuan Croniqueur - June 08, 2024 10:30pm
DescriptionThe Farmer-Labor movement in Minnesota is an unlikely coalition of two seemingly disparate groups, rural and urban, that found common cause and united in pursuit of their goals. 1910-1945 was a turbulent period in Minnesota, a time of economic distress for farmers and city workers alike. Drought and the Great Depression brought havoc to wheat farmers of the region: prices for their product plummeted, and farm foreclosures meant ruin. In the city, jobs were scarce and wages low. Laborers-those fortunate enough to have work-fought for fair wages and against unfair laws that prohibited unionization. Out of that ferment, a coalition of reformers and radicals formed the "Farmer-Labor Party," a designation it used on the ballot for its candidates who were neither Republican nor Democratic. The name changed, in 1924 to the Farmer-Labor Federation, and later to the Farmer-Labor Association.

Third parties in American politics are not noted for their longevity, but this group proved an exception to the rule. Taking root in soil planted earlier by the Nonpartisan League, it gained power, even prevailing in state and congressional elections over candidates of the two major parties. In 1943, the Farmer-Labor Party merged with the Democratic Party to form the Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party of Minnesota.

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01/01/2006 2005-2006 OCFL Championship - Playoffs Red Cotton Ponies Lost 25.00% (-25.00%)
09/05/2005 2005-2006 OCFL Championship - Regular Season Red Cotton Ponies Won 10.00% (-4.44%)
11/05/1946 US Senate - National Vote Farmer Labor Party Control Lost 0.28% (-49.90%)
11/07/1944 US Senate - National Vote Farmer Labor Party Control Lost 0.62% (-48.88%)
11/03/1942 MN Treasurer Charles J. "Charlie" Johnson Lost 24.78% (-36.42%)
11/03/1942 MN Attorney General David J. Erickson Lost 25.48% (-33.46%)
11/03/1942 US House Control Farmer Labor Party Control Lost 0.23% (-50.80%)
11/03/1942 MN Lt. Governor Juls J. Anderson Lost 33.42% (-22.23%)
11/03/1942 MN Governor Hjalmar Petersen Lost 37.76% (-13.84%)
11/03/1942 MN Secretary of State Daniel D. Collins Lost 19.07% (-53.13%)
11/03/1942 MN US Senate Elmer A. Benson Lost 28.21% (-18.77%)
11/03/1942 Clerk of the MN Supreme Court Katherine A. "Kate" Amundson Lost 26.43% (-25.18%)
11/03/1942 US Senate - National Vote Farmer Labor Party Control Lost 0.69% (-47.87%)
11/03/1942 MN Railroad and Warehouse Commission - Seat 3 Charles J. Johnson Lost 29.29% (-24.20%)
11/03/1942 MN District 3 Charles Munn Lost 32.86% (-16.16%)
11/03/1942 MN District 2 Charles D. "Don" Peterson Lost 13.79% (-56.24%)
11/03/1942 MN US Senate - Special Election Al Hansen Lost 26.66% (-29.41%)
11/03/1942 MN District 9 Harold C. Hagen Won 50.43% (+0.86%)
11/03/1942 MN District 8 Rudolph Rautio Lost 24.47% (-33.72%)
11/03/1942 MN District 7 Francis H. Shoemaker Lost 20.28% (-34.50%)
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