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Abbreviation | PBK |
Website | http://membres.lycos.fr/ballikombetar/ |
Country | Albania |
Established | 1989-12-23 |
Disbanded | 0000-00-00 |
Contributor | Bojicat |
Last Edited | Bojicat - April 08, 2021 10:03am |
Description | Nationalist party begun as an anti-Communist, anti-Serb paramilitary movement established in November 1942 known as the Balli Kombëtar, or Balli. Balli paramilitary forces established themselves throughout the Balkans wherever Albanian ethnic minorities resided, particularly in Greece as the "Balli Kombëtar Çam" (Cham National Front, or 'Chams'). Party and militia where wiped out by Yugoslav and Albanian Communists by 1945 but elements survived in exile, organizing the Albanian diaspora to overthrow Enver Hoxha's regime in Albania.
Party was re-formed in 1989 supporting Albanian-centric policies and 'Greater Albania' positions in the Balkans, particularly in North Macedonia. Party is led by Adriatik Alimadhi. [Partia Balli Kombëtar Shqiptar (PBK)]. |
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