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Abbreviation | PPI |
Website | http://www.partijaizaugsme.lv/lv/ |
Country | Latvia |
Established | 2013-03-27 |
Disbanded | 0000-00-00 |
Contributor | Bojicat |
Last Edited | Bojicat - September 03, 2023 12:34pm |
Description | Centrist, regionalist party co-founded and chaired by cardiologist and former MP Andris Skride. Party successfully ran in the Madona and Ķekava district council elections in 2013, but wound up 2nd to last in national legislative elections held on October 4, 2014. Skride then succeeded in entering parliament in 2018 after joining his party in coalition with an association of center-right parties called the "Attīstībai/Par!" list on April 20, 2018, but failed to hold on to his seat after elections held on October 1, 2022. "Attīstībai/Par!" subsequently dissolved on November 25, 2022. Party supported restructuring the tax and judicial systems of Latvia, and increasing public health and research spending. Party holds one mayoralty [POLITISKĀ PARTIJA IZAUGSME (PPI)]. |
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