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  Alliance for the Union of Romanians
Last EditedBojicat - August 08, 2021 11:07am
DescriptionRight-of-center populist party that surprised the nation with a strong performance in the December 6, 2020 legislative elections, picking up 14 seats. Party has focused on the perceived mistreatment of the Romanian diaspora, particularly in the UK, Spain, Serbia and Ukraine. Party chose to launch itself on Great Union Day, which marks the unification of Transylvania, Bessarabia, and Bukovina with the Romanian Kingdom in 1918, and in the symbolic city of Alba Iulia, where unification was declared. AUR advocates a policy of revanche in Eastern Europe and also places itself among the "unioniști" (Unionists), Romanians and Moldovans who call for the unification of Romania and Moldova. George Simion and Claudiu Târziu are co-presidents of the party [Alianța pentru Unirea Românilor (AUR)].

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07/11/2025 Moldova Parliament - Popular Vote Alliance for the Union of Romanians ???
05/04/2025 Romania President - First-Round Re-run George Simion ???
05/04/2025 Romania President - First-Round Re-run Gigi Becali ???
12/01/2024 Romania Chamber of Deputies - Popular Vote Alliance for the Union of Romanians Lost 18.01% (-3.95%)
12/01/2024 Romania Chamber of Deputies - Party Standings Alliance for the Union of Romanians Lost 19.39% (-6.67%)
12/01/2024 Romania Senate - Popular Vote Alliance for the Union of Romanians Lost 18.30% (-4.00%)
12/01/2024 Romania Senate - Party Standings Alliance for the Union of Romanians Lost 20.90% (-5.97%)
11/24/2024 Romania President *ANNULLED* George Simion Lost 13.86% (-9.08%)
06/09/2024 Romania EU Parliament - Popular Vote Alliance for the Union of Romanians Lost 14.93% (-33.62%)
06/09/2024 Bucharest Mayor Mihai Enache Lost 3.02% (-44.92%)
06/09/2024 Brașov Mayor Dan Tănasă Lost 3.94% (-43.94%)
06/09/2024 Bucharest General Council - Party Standings Alliance for the Union of Romanians Lost 9.09% (-21.82%)
06/09/2024 Bucharest General Council - Popular Vote Alliance for the Union of Romanians Lost 8.17% (-19.44%)
06/09/2024 Cluj-Napoca Mayor Călin-Valentin Cozma Lost 3.56% (-38.95%)
06/09/2024 Timișoara Mayor Ilie-Vasile Sîrbu Lost 4.30% (-45.40%)
03/27/2022 Alliance for the Union of Romanians President George Simion Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
07/11/2021 Moldova Parliament - Party Standings Alliance for the Union of Romanians Lost 0.00% (-62.38%)
07/11/2021 Moldova Parliament - Popular Vote Alliance for the Union of Romanians Lost 0.49% (-52.31%)
12/06/2020 Romania Chamber of Deputies - Popular Vote Alliance for the Union of Romanians Lost 9.08% (-19.82%)
12/06/2020 Romania Chamber of Deputies - Party Standings Alliance for the Union of Romanians Lost 10.00% (-23.33%)
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