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  A big house in Grand Junction, now home to 20 troubled men, tests Colorado’s new affordable housing law
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Last EditedBrentinCO  Mar 17, 2025 02:10pm
News DateMar 15, 2025 02:00pm
DescriptionWhen men began moving into a home on a historic cul-de-sac near St. Mary’s Hospital in January some residents in the close-knit neighborhood of midcentury homes on large lots wondered if maybe a fraternity was setting up in their midst.


The owner of Rene’s House, Grand Junction City Councilman Cody Kennedy, and the operators of the home had given no notice or information about this new use to neighbors.

Kennedy said notice was not required because Rene’s House is not a group home; it is a residence for a group of men who have chosen to live together.

His assertion reveals an unintended consequence of a state law change that went into effect last year — and that could affect any neighborhood in Colorado.
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