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  Asian Americans mobilize after NY lawmaker allegedly bites cop
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Oct 08, 2024 06:28pm
News DateAug 05, 2024 04:00am
DescriptionNEW YORK — An under-the-radar bloc of Asian Americans is ready to test its political clout after a New York City lawmaker of Chinese descent allegedly bit a police officer during a recent protest.

The bite was a moment that energized a movement, they say.

Supporters have rallied by the thousands to defend City Council Member Susan Zhuang — and by extension themselves — following a scuffle two weeks ago between predominantly Chinese American demonstrators and the NYPD at a Brooklyn anti-shelter protest that left a deputy chief with a deep, bloodied bite wound.

Zhuang, a Democrat who caucuses with Republicans, was arrested, charged with assault and pleaded not guilty. She and her team have spent the subsequent days registering about 1,700 new Asian American voters.

“We basically tell people, if you want government to care about you, you have to vote,” Zhuang said in an interview that at points brought her close to tears.

But whether they vote for her fellow Democrats or for Republicans is in question.
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