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  French rail network hit by arson attacks before Olympics opening ceremony
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Jul 26, 2024 08:56am
News DateJul 26, 2024 08:45am
DescriptionProsecutors have opened a criminal investigation after saboteurs attacked France’s high-speed railway network in a series of “malicious acts” that brought chaos to the country’s busiest rail lines hours before the Olympic opening ceremony.

The state-owned railway operator, SNCF, said arsonists targeted installations along high-speed TGV lines connecting Paris with the country’s west, north and east, and traffic would be severely disrupted across the country into the weekend.

“This is a massive attack on a large scale to paralyse the TGV network,” the SNCF said, adding that many services would have to be cancelled and problems would persist on Saturday and Sunday.

The Paris public prosecutor, Laure Beccuau, said a formal investigation had been launched into “deliberate damage of property likely to harm the fundamental interests of the nation” and criminal association.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility but news agencies cited intelligence sources as saying the arson method had previously been used by extreme-left groups. In September, responsibility for near-identical attacks that caused travel disruption in northern Germany was claimed on an extreme-left website.
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