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  Joe Holsinger and His Questions on Jonestown
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Last EditedBrentinCO  Jul 11, 2023 07:33pm
CategoryConspiracy Theory
News DateJan 08, 2020 07:00pm
DescriptionGalen Wright Holsinger – better known as “Joe” – was the Administrative Assistant to Rep. Leo Ryan when the congressman left for Guyana in November 1978. Within the first few days following his boss’ assassination, Joe Holsinger became a strong believer in some of the alternative theories as to what happened in Jonestown, and appeared in numerous forums to present those views.

According to an interview Holsinger gave to the FBI on November 21, 1978, three days after the tragedy, Ryan first became aware of Peoples Temple about 18 months to two years earlier. Holsinger assisted in preparations for the trip to Guyana, but the only congressional aides to accompany Ryan were Jackie Speier, Ryan’s Legislative Assistant, and James Schollaert, a staff member of the House International Relations Committee, of which Ryan was a member.

Within days of the assassination, Holsinger was already raising questions about whether the materials Ryan took with him had been tampered with. During two additional interviews with the FBI in early December, Holsinger said that when he received Ryan’s briefcase shortly after his boss’ death, he noticed that “The clasps on the briefcase were open and after going through its contents, Holsinger noted that a tape recorder carried by Congressman Ryan to Guyana was missing.”
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