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  Malaysia ends mandatory death penalty for serious crimes
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ContributorJuan Croniqueur 
Last EditedJuan Croniqueur  Apr 03, 2023 02:49pm
News DateApr 03, 2023 08:00am
DescriptionMalaysia's parliament has voted to remove the country's mandatory death penalty, potentially sparing more than 1,300 prisoners on death row.

The country has had a moratorium on executions since 2018.

But lawmakers on Monday overwhelmingly voted to remove the death penalty as the mandatory sentence for 11 serious crimes, including murder and terrorism.

Judges will retain discretion to impose capital punishment in exceptional cases.

But for the most serious crimes, the courts will now hand down life imprisonment sentences of up to 40 years, or corporal punishment such as caning, lawmakers said.

The reforms still need to clear the country's upper house but are widely expected to pass.
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