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  PA9 Poll Memo: Shuster Leads Big
Parent(s) Race  -
ContributorUser 490 
Last EditedUser 490  Mar 20, 2004 11:59pm
News DateMar 20, 2004 12:00am
DescriptionØ Congressman Shuster holds a commanding thirty point lead over challenger Michael DelGrosso on a trial ballot test in the Republican primary election for Congress. Fully sixty-two percent (62%) indicate that they would vote for Congressman Shuster, while only 32% indicate they would vote for DelGrosso.

Ø Shuster dominates this ballot test at every level, with his ballot strength at sixty percent (60%) or better among voters of all ages and education levels. Congressman Shuster’s ballot strength is particularly strong among the most conservative elements of the Republican primary electorate – self-identified “very conservative” voters, pro-life voters, and voters who are strongly committed to protecting second amendment rights. Over sixty-five percent (65%) of Republican primary voters in these key voter groups indicate that they would vote for Congressman Shuster.
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