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  Northern Territory chief minister Michael Gunner resigns, saying ‘head and heart’ no longer in job
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  May 09, 2022 09:28pm
News DateMay 09, 2022 09:00pm
DescriptionThe Northern Territory’s chief minister, Michael Gunner, has announced his resignation, saying: “My head and my heart are no longer in the job.”

“There is never a perfect time to step back, walk away, and give others a go,” Gunner said in a social media post on Tuesday. “But for me and my family, this feels like the right time.

“The birth our second child a few weeks ago confirmed something for me. My head and my heart are no longer in the job. They are at home.

“I have grappled with this decision for some weeks. But welcoming little Nash into the world sealed the deal.”
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