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  Turmoil as Peru leader sets 2nd Cabinet overhaul this week
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Last EditedBojicat  Feb 04, 2022 10:54pm
News DateFeb 04, 2022 10:00pm
DescriptionLIMA, Peru (AP) — Turmoil in Peru’s government boiled even more Friday as President Pedro Castillo announced plans for a fourth Cabinet shakeup in six months, moving just three days after the third overhaul of his ministers that was quickly followed by revelations that his newest prime minister once faced domestic violence allegations.

The president's struggles this week have only added to earlier doubts raised about the political neophyte's ability to lead a nation.

Castillo, a rural schoolteacher in a poor Andean district, was an underdog when he entered the race for the presidency last year and initially campaigned on promises to nationalize Peru's crucial mining industry and rewrite the constitution to end the historical discrimination against Indigenous people and vulnerable populations. He softened his rhetoric when he advanced to a runoff and shocked everyone when he won.

Critics immediately warned about his nonexistent political experience. Just months into the job, which he assumed in July as Peru like few others from the pandemic, some of his decisions have validated the criticism. But they have also highlighted Peru’s long-dysfunctional political system in which no party holds a majority and it is difficult to push through new programs or make changes.
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