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  Government distances itself from Lindiwe Sisulu's 'reckless utterances'
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Jan 15, 2022 08:17pm
News DateJan 11, 2022 10:20am
DescriptionThe government has distanced itself from what it has termed “reckless utterances” by tourism minister Lindiwe Sisulu, who suggested that the country's constitution has done nothing but keep the formerly oppressed masses in poverty.

Minister in the presidency Mondli Gungubele said Sisulu's remarks “grossly misrepresent the constitution”.

“It has the potential to undermine the credibility and the weight of the rule of law in this country, especially when it is done by an individual who took an oath of office to protect the law, because once you take an oath, you accept being a champion of that law,” said Gungubele, speaking to TimesLIVE on Tuesday.

In an opinion piece published last week, Sisulu, who has served as an MP since 1994, launched a scathing attack on the constitution, saying it has done little or nothing for the victims of colonialism. Instead, she said, it has given rise to “a sea of poverty”.

Gungubele said the remarks were “mostly unfortunate” because the constitution was the outcome of “the same people Sisulu claims to be speaking for”.
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