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  Romania's Govt. falls after no-confidence vote
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Last EditedBojicat  Oct 05, 2021 11:49am
News DateOct 05, 2021 11:00am
DescriptionThe Government of prime minister Florin Cîțu fell after the Parliament passed a no-confidence motion introduced by the Social Democrat Party (PSD).

The motion passed with 281 votes in favor, News.ro reported. It needed 234 votes to pass.

The motion was backed by both the reformist USR (formerly USR-PLUS) and the radical AUR.

In September, USR-PLUS initiated a no-confidence motion against the PM after pulling out of the ruling coalition, which included PNL and UDMR. USR left the Government after prime minister Citu dismissed the reformist justice minister Stelian Ion without consulting the coalition partners.
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