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  Moldova's president calls early election for July 11
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Last EditedBojicat  Apr 28, 2021 03:10pm
News DateApr 28, 2021 02:00pm
DescriptionBUCHAREST -- Moldova’s Constitutional Court on Wednesday canceled a state of emergency introduced to combat COVID-19 infections, enabling President Maia Sandu to dissolve parliament and call for an early election on July 11.

“Through this decision we have paved the way for citizens to be able to choose a new Parliament that will serve the interests of the country and the people,” Sandu said after the court’s ruling.

In March, Moldova’s parliament voted to introduce a 60-day state of emergency in order to combat rising COVID-19 infections, which blocked the pro-Western president from calling for early elections.

Today’s ruling could help put an end to months of political deadlock in the country of 3.5 million after the Socialist-led parliamentary majority refused twice to appoint prime ministers that Sandu had proposed
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