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  Cincinnati City Councilman P.G. Sittenfeld arrested on federal corruption charges
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Nov 19, 2020 09:09am
News DateNov 19, 2020 09:05am
DescriptionFBI agents arrested Cincinnati City Councilman P.G. Sittenfeld Thursday morning on federal charges accusing him of accepting bribes in exchange for favorable votes on development deals, a source with knowledge of the arrest told The Enquirer.

Sittenfeld, a Democrat and the presumptive front-runner in next year’s mayoral election, was arrested around 9:30 a.m.

Elected to council in 2011, Sittenfeld has amassed a campaign war chest of $710,000 on his way to becoming one of the city’s most powerful politicians. He is the brother of novelist Curtis Sittenfeld, author of "Prep" and "Rodham."

The federal charges mean one-third of Cincinnati’s City Council – three sitting members of the city’s top legislative body – have been arrested this year on corruption charges related to city development projects.
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