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  Sussex Freeholder to run for Sparta councilman
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Last EditedWSNJ  Jul 14, 2020 08:28am
News DateJul 14, 2020 08:00am
DescriptionSussex County Freeholder Josh Hertzberg will run for Sparta Township Council in November, according to a New Jersey Herald report.

He told the NJ Herald that he wants to play a role in repairing local issues in the town he’s lived in for 25 years.

If Hertzberg wins, Sussex Republicans would hold a January special election convention to fill the remaining year on Hertzberg’s term. His seat in up next year.

He was elected councilman in 2014 and became mayor in 2018. He gave up his seat that year to team up with Franklin Council President Dawn Fantasia to take on incumbent freeholders Jonathan Rose and Carl Lazarro in the GOP primary.

Fantasia was the top vote-getter with 6,511, followed by Hertzberg with 4,957. Lazzaro received 3,911 votes, and Rose finished fourth with 3,855.

The next freeholder will likely be selected by State Sen. Steve Oroho (R-Franklin) and Republican County Chairman Jerry Scanlan.
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