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  Finnish prime minister Antti Rinne resigns after coalition collapses
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Dec 03, 2019 06:35am
News DateDec 03, 2019 06:00am
DescriptionFinland’s prime minister has said he is resigning after a key coalition partner withdrew its support from his five-party cabinet.

Antti Rinne, who took office in June, has faced heavy criticism in recent days over how he and a fellow party member in charge of government companies dealt with the state-owned postal service whose workers went on strike for two weeks in November.

Tuesday’s announcement prompted the formal resignation of the cabinet made up of Mr Rinne’s Social Democratic Party, the Centre Party, the Greens, the Left Alliance and the Swedish People’s Party of Finland.

No early election is expected. Parliament will decide on a new prime minister next week.
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