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  Marianne Williamson: 'What does it say that the conservatives are nicer to me?'
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Last EditedRP  Sep 12, 2019 09:47am
News DateSep 12, 2019 09:10am
DescriptionDemocratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson is lamenting that the right wing seems to be "nicer" to her than the "leftists."

"What does it say that Fox News is nicer to me than the leftists are? What does it say that the conservatives are nicer to me," she said while caught on a hot mic after an interview on the conservative Sinclair TV network's "America This Week" program last week.

"It's such a bizarre world. I’m such a leftie, I'm a serious leftie. I understand why people on the right called them godless. I didn't think the left was as mean as the right they are," she added.
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