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  Greens candidate Jay Dessi quits as candidate for Lalor over offensive Facebook posts
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedIndyGeorgia  May 14, 2019 07:25pm
News DateMay 08, 2019 12:00am
DescriptionThe Greens candidate for the Melbourne seat of Lalor has become the latest candidate to quit over offensive social media posts.

Mr Dessi released a statement apologising for the remarks.

"I am electing to step down from being the Greens candidate for the division of Lalor," he said.

"I again apologise for offence that my posts may have caused."

A spokesperson for the Victorian Greens also apologised for not picking up on the comments from several years ago.

The party said the election had made it clear that social media had created "new challenges" for all parties during the candidate selection process.
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