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  Liberal candidate quits after advocating against more gay MPs being elected
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  May 01, 2019 08:32am
News DateMay 01, 2019 04:30am
DescriptionFormer Liberal candidate Peter Killin has resigned after it was revealed that he had encouraged conservative Christians to "infiltrate" the Liberal Party to stop gay people from being elected to office and party positions.

Peter Killin was preselected just days before the ballot draw for the inner-Melbourne seat of Wills, which is currently held by Labor.

The biggest threat to sitting MP Peter Khalil is the Greens, in a seat once held by Bob Hawke.

In comments on a conservative blog regarding the Liberals' state election defeat, Mr Killin argued with others that the way to change politics is by joining a party.

"My suggestion is to change a party from within: 1. Infiltrate 2. Influence 3. Impel. Pray and Do," he wrote last December.
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