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  Here’s How Venezuela’s ‘Interim President’ Blew His Chance to Oust Maduro
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Apr 03, 2019 07:47pm
News DateApr 03, 2019 03:55am
DescriptionCARACAS, Venezuela—It was like the return of the king.

Juan Guaidó landed at Simon Bolívar Airport on Monday, March 5, at around noon EST, and the entire world was watching as he got out of the presidential plane. After live-tweeting his every move since leaving Venezuela on Feb. 22—including a viral video from inside the plane upon landing—the interim president walked the few hundred yards from the plane to immigration while the entire country held its breath.

Guaidó looked calm, almost cocky, as he passed through immigration and out into the streets to be met by thousands of adoring followers who had come to greet the man who represents hope and change in one of the world’s most broken countries. It appeared to be a success story, but according to most experts, this was not the expected outcome.
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