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  Brexit: Labour MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle attacked and called 'traitor'
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Mar 21, 2019 07:31pm
News DateMar 21, 2019 03:00pm
DescriptionA Labour MP has claimed he was attacked and called a "traitor" about delays to Brexit while out talking to his constituents.

Lloyd Russell-Moyle told Sky News that a man lunged for his face and grabbed his glasses after they engaged in a "heated discussion".

The Brighton Kemptown MP said the news crew he was travelling with were approached by the "irate" man and accused of being part of a media conspiracy to stop Brexit.

When Mr Russell-Moyle introduced himself as the local MP, the man called him a "traitor" and said he was trying to stop the will of the people.

The argument soon turned physical and three men had to prise the alleged assailant from the MP.
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