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  Óscar Arias, former Costa Rican president and Nobel Peace Prize winner, accused of sexual offenses
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Feb 13, 2019 08:56pm
News DateFeb 07, 2019 11:10am
Description(CNN)Óscar Arias, former Costa Rican president and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, has been accused of inappropriate sexual conduct by two women.

On Monday, Costa Rican prosecutors received a complaint of an alleged sexual offense by Arias, and on Tuesday another woman came forward to accuse him of inappropriate behavior.

A source at the Costa Rica prosecutor's office confirmed to CNN that a criminal complaint had been filed, accusing Arias of a sexual crime.

Arias categorically denied the accusation in a statement.

"I have never disrespected the wishes of any woman," he said.
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