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  It’s time for Steve King to go
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Last EditedRP  Jan 17, 2019 08:25am
News DateJan 17, 2019 08:00am
DescriptionLast fall, this newspaper urged voters to return U.S. Rep. Steve King to Congress for a ninth term. We made the decision to make that endorsement with some misgivings. We wanted our region to be represented in Washington by someone who would support a conservative agenda.

Unfortunately, King was far from an ideal choice. It is now clear that the endorsement we made was a mistake. We should have pondered more carefully King’s pattern of making outrageous statements.

Therefore, King should resign from Congress with no delay. That will allow a special election to be held so someone who will not be an embarrassment to our state can be elected. Northwest Iowa needs a new representative in the House as soon as possible.
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