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  OUR OPINION: Steve King should resign
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Last EditedRP  Jan 16, 2019 08:31am
News DateJan 15, 2019 06:30pm
DescriptionIt's time for Steve King to go. He should resign his seat in the U.S. House. A new election should be held for voters in Iowa's 4th Congressional District to choose a replacement.

After near-universal condemnation from both sides of the political aisle, a vote by House Republicans on Monday to strip him of all committee assignments, approval by the full House on Tuesday of a resolution (King voted for the resolution) rejecting "white nationalism" and "white supremacy" meant to, according to Roll Call, rebuke him and introduction in the House this week of two measures to censure him following his "white supremacy" comment in a Jan. 10 New York Times story, whatever measure of influence or effectiveness King possessed in the House is, in our view, gone. He is today, it appears to us, largely an outcast within the body in which he serves.
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