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  De Lille announces new party to contest 2019 elections
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Nov 18, 2018 12:17pm
News DateNov 18, 2018 06:30am
DescriptionOn Sunday, former Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille confirmed speculation that she is launching her own political party following her resignation as the mayor of Cape Town and a member of the DA at the end of October.

The party will contest the 2019 elections in all nine provinces, she said.

While the party has yet to be launched, a website has already been set up under the name “For Good”. In her announcement, De Lille encouraged South Africans to “do good” and said that hers would be a party that “stands for good in the country”.

The party’s official launch will be in January 2019, De Lille confirmed.

The name of the party has yet to be made public De Lille said, as her team is still doing “research to test the collateral of the name”.
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