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  Romania ruling party chief convicted over fake jobs scandal
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Jun 23, 2018 10:56pm
CategoryLegal Ruling
News DateJun 21, 2018 12:00pm
DescriptionRomania's high court on Thursday sentenced the leader of the ruling left-wing Social Democrat party (PSD), Liviu Dragnea, to three-and-a-half years in prison over a fake jobs scandal.

The court's decision can be appealed but is expected to weaken his ability to influence national politics.

Dragnea, 55, who is not yet in custody, is widely acknowledged to be Romania's most powerful politician and is thought to hold substantial sway over the government of Prime Minister Viorica Dancila.

Dragnea wasn't able to become premier himself because of a two-year suspended prison sentence for vote-rigging dating back to 2016.

He is also under investigation for fabricating documents to obtain EU funds in a third case.
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