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  Bank seizes Valadao family farm in Hanford, according to court documents
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Last EditedRP  Jun 13, 2018 09:16am
CategoryLegal Ruling
News DateJun 12, 2018 06:15pm
DescriptionKings County dairy farm owner and California's 21's District Rep. Congressman David Valadao and his family are being sued by Rabobank according to court documents.

Documents show that Rabobank, an agriculture lender, sued Triple V Dairy in Fresno County Superior Court in November of 2017, alleging failure to repay loans totaling in a little over $8.4 million for the upkeep of his farm.

Valadao's family farm has been seized as part of this lawsuit. Rabobank appointed John Van Curen as the “receiver” of the property, Triple V Dairy. Documents show that Van Curen took control of Triple V Dairy on March 28, 2018. Van Curen will have control of the farm until it sells.
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