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  DA pursues disciplinary hearing against De Lille
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Feb 20, 2018 09:40pm
News DateFeb 20, 2018 03:00pm
DescriptionA date has yet to be set for Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille to state her case in a disciplinary hearing before the Democratic Alliance’s Federal Legal Commission (FLC), but the outcome of the hearings could influence De Lille’s future in office.

DA Federal Executive chairperson James Selfe said that the FLC is currently negotiating dates with De Lille’s legal team on when the disciplinary hearings can proceed. De Lille is busy attending to mayoral duties, he said, so the FLC is “struggling to find mutually convenient dates”.

The disciplinary hearings will determine if De Lille is guilty or innocent of corruption charges which members of the party have levelled against her. The charges allege De Lille tried to bury dodgy business deals and treated people abusively.
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