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  Croatian government toppled, prime minister ousted
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Jun 16, 2016 05:25pm
News DateJun 16, 2016 05:00pm
DescriptionThe Croatian parliament on Thursday voted to oust technocratic Prime Minister Tihomir Orešković, leading to the toppling of the government and bringing fresh elections a step closer.

MPs were voting on a no-confidence motion filed by the largest party in the coalition, the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), which claimed Orešković was not up to the task of leading the country — 125 voted in favor of kicking out the prime minister, 15 against and there were two abstentions. The HDZ has been embroiled in a dispute with its coalition partner, the Most party, which backed Orešković.

Orešković clashed with HDZ leader Tomislav Karamarko who on Wednesday stepped down as deputy prime minister after being accused of a conflict of interest. After resigning, Karamarko pledged to bring down Orešković and form another government.

If no new government is formed within 30 days, parliament will be dissolved and the president will call new elections.
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